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Bridging the Gap: Advocating for Mental Health Support for Police Officers


Thought I would provide you with an update on the insightful feedback we received after the radio interview on RNZ on Nine to Noon this morning, which delved into the critical issues of PTSD and suicide among our courageous police officers. Listen here

Gratitude and Acknowledgment

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who actively participated in this crucial discussion. Your engagement has been pivotal in advocating for the health and safety of our police officers. The interview brought to light the challenges our colleagues face regarding mental health support, and it is evident that there is still a considerable gap between the perception of the hierarchy and the real-life experiences of frontline officers.

A Divide in Perception

Many of you shared your concerns about the demeanour and responses of the police spokesperson during the interview. Some listeners felt she appeared patronising, inauthentic, and dismissive of the issue. This unfortunate divide in perception only reinforces the stigma surrounding police wellness, making it even more challenging for the blue whanau to reach out and seek the help they need.

Positive Experiences and Encouragement

However, amid this feedback, it is crucial to acknowledge that some individuals have had positive experiences while seeking support. A psychologist contracted to support police officers came forward to share their perspective. They emphasised that help is available and that seeking assistance can be transformative for those who have the courage to overcome the stigma and reach out. This is a powerful reminder that change is possible with the right approach and support.

Addressing Systemic Challenges

Yet, we cannot overlook the essential point raised by some of you—the systemic challenges in accessing treatment. Many of you have highlighted the obstacles in obtaining timely and adequate support. As police advocates, we fully recognise the pressing need for a more comprehensive and efficient support system within our police service.

Our Commitment

Your stories and experiences have underscored the urgency of our mission to advocate for improved mental health support for the blue whanau. We are committed to working tirelessly to bridge the gap between the reality on the ground and the perception at higher levels of the police hierarchy. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the welfare and safety of our police officers become a top priority.

Moving Forward Together

As we progress, our charity will redouble its efforts to collaborate with relevant stakeholders and bring about genuine change. Your continued support and engagement are invaluable in driving meaningful progress. Together, we can create a healthier and more supportive environment for all our brave officers.


In conclusion, I extend my deepest appreciation to each of you for your courage in sharing your thoughts and experiences. Let us keep the conversation alive and maintain our resolve to effect positive change. Our dedication to the well-being of our police officers is unwavering, and together, we will bridge the gap and pave the way for a more compassionate and supportive future.

Thank you for being the driving force behind our mission.